Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Six Interview Do's

1. Be ready to describe your career plans and why an MBA, why at this school, and why now.

2. Take advantage of every opportunity to get to know the program before you interview. Look beyond the brochures and web site. Network to talk to current students and alumni.

3. Arrive a few minutes early and breathe. If you arrive earlier, do not wait in the interview office; take the time to explore your surroundings.

4. If you are offered water, accept even if you're not thirsty. Unpredictable nerve-induced frothing at the mouth can be uncomfortable as well as unattractive.

5. Tell and show who you are and what you care about. Leave the evaluation of your qualifications and fit to the interviewer.

6. Ask thoughtful questions. Each one must demonstrate you have done your homework and/or reveal something about you. Make sure your question is genuine.

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